- GCSE 15th rank among ~ 10,000 students in the State of Goa, Secondary School (99.84 centile)
- A levels 8th rank among ~ 5000 students at Higher Secondary School, (99.84 centile)
- National Scholar for success at highly competitive National Talent Search exam, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, and awarded Merit certificate & scholarship (Rs 29250) for 8.5 years
- Distinction in Anatomy and Biochemistry
- 2nd rank Anatomy
- 2nd rank ENT & Ophthalmology at final MBBS
- 1st rank Surgery at final MBBS.
- Vasudev Narsinva Naik Memorial Prize in Surgery
- Dr. Ernest Borges Medal and Scholarship in Surgery
- Dr. Anant Narhar Jejurikar Prize in Surgery
- Dr. Ernest Borges Prize in Surgery, from Sir Rabindranath Tagore Educational Society
- Rs 1000 over 4 months: equivalent to half of prevalent house officer’s monthly salary
- Two Short Term Research Studentships, during 1st and 2nd MBBS summer vacations, Indian Council of Medical Research
- Best all round student award and shield in the medical school