
Recent presentations about TARGIT

St Gallen Breast Cancer Conference, March 2013:

Omitting whole breast radiotherapy does not increase axillary recurrence- data from TARGIT-A trial
Fewer non-breast cancer deaths in TARGIT-A trial:systemic benefit of TARGIT or lack of EBRT toxicity

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 6 December 2012

Late breaking plenary presentation: TARGIT-A trial: Updated results and first analysis of survival Click on Thursday, 6 December – then General session 4 – 2nd presentation
IORT for Breast Cancer TARGIT-A trial 2012 update (for those with Flash)
Intraoperative radiotherapy vs. External beam radiotherapy – ASCO Post (15 Feb 2013)
If you cannot access this on the original site the single page can be downloaded here TARGIT-A trial – risk adapted IORT vs EBRT

ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium, San Francisco, 13 September 2012

ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium, San Francisco
Plenary presentation: TARGIT-A and TARGIT-B trials:

Miami Breast Cancer Conference, 15 March 2012

The TARGIT trials: Audience poll after TARGIT presentation

BASO-ACS Annual meeting, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, UK, 7 Nov 2011

TARGIT-A trial results: plenary lecture

12th International St.Gallen Breast Cancer Conference: 19 March 2011

The consensus panel of 52 experts at the Consensus session on the last day of the conference voted in favour of using intraoperative radiotherapy.

eCancer TV at the European Society of Surgical Oncology meeting,  Bordeaux, September 2010

A description of the TARGIT-A trial in an interview with e-cancer TV

ASCO, Chicago, June 2010

The results of the TARGIT-A trial published in The Lancet Online first
BBC news
A brief description of the TARGIT-A trial and its results: Click to read
Oral presentation at the TARGIT Symposium,