
Worldwide adoption of TARGeted Intraoperative radioTHerapy TARGIT IORT for breast cancer

After publication of the results of the TARGIT-A trial results, TARGIT IORT has been increasingly used around the world.
It is currently available in over 300 centres in all five continents.
In the summer of 2015, when 250 centres were offering TARGIT IORT, a survey was prepared, sent out and analysed with the help of Uma Vaidya and Lilly Bao to these centres.
The figure below gives the data from about half of these centres who had replied to the survey by October 2015.
By October 2015, 125 of the 250 centres had responded to our query ‘how many patients have you treated with TARGIT IORT?’.
The total number of patients treated in these 125 centres was 11740.
Thus it is reasonable to say that about 20,000 patients have been already treated around the world with this approach.

Screenshot 2015-10-22 18.40.32

World map of countries where breast cancer centres offer TARGIT IORT with Intrabeam 2016
World map of countries where breast cancer centres offer TARGIT IORT with Intrabeam 2016


Letrozole induced vasculitis

Could vasculitis be responsible for some of the effect of letrozole – a question raised by a case report:

Letrozole-induced necrotising leukocytoclastic small vessel vasculitis: First report of a case in the UK – International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
October 5, 2015


TARGIT IORT news in Summer 2015

The Wall Street Journal, 25 Aug 2015 features TARGIT IORT for breast cancer

The main article: Alternative Way to Treat Early-Stage Breast Cancer With Radiation[download id=”1294″]

The author Melinda Becks explains in a video interview below New Thinking on Radiation for Breast Cancer Treatment.

The West Australian: Breast Cancer Breakthrough- Revolution in radiotherapy , 31 August 2015

Christobel SaundersFrom 1 September 2015, women with breast cancer in Australia can now get access to Medicare-funded TARGIT IORT 


Fast Facts Breast Cancer 5th edition 2014

Just published…

Available from the Health Press website as Paperback, PDF, or ebook editions for immediate download (discount code BC20) from the publisher’s website


From Amazon
Kindle edition
Available in India for Rs 596.75 only

Articles Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer

TARGIT-A trial of IORT for breast cancer – Adequate follow up for a large number of patients.

Click to access the PDF file: Adequacy of follow up duration in TARGIT-A trial of targeted intraoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer

Adequacy of follow up duration in the TARGIT-A trial 

In this short paper, we provide a detailed explanation about the follow-up of the TARGIT-A trial[1, 2] and clarify how it is long enough to be relied upon to guide the application of TARGIT using Intrabeam in routine clinical practice in appropriate patients. We have explained this in the correspondence columns of the Lancet (17 May 2014)

It may appear tempting to speculate that years in the future a difference in local recurrence will become apparent and the difference in mortality that we have already seen will go away, but neither our data nor previous trial results support this speculation, which ignores our understanding about the complex natural history of breast cancer and robust literature about the toxic effects of EBRT on other organs such as the heart.

Continuing to ignore the TARGIT-A trial data can potentially put a large proportion of breast cancer patients at a significant disadvantage.


Protected: Inaugural lecture of Professor Jayant S Vaidya

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Presentations Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer

October 2014: American Brachytherapy Society

TARGIT-A and TARGIT-B trials: Invited talk at the American Brachytherapy Society meeting, Las Vegas, Oct 2013

Articles Screening

Screening mammography – a viewpoint

Here is a recently published viewpoint on screening mammography

Articles Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer

Sepember 2013: TARGIT IORT at ECCO

Case selection for TARGIT using hormone receptor status:

Articles Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer

September 2013: TARGIT at ASTRO, USA

Three papers were presented at ASTRO in Sepemeber 2013: two posters and one oral presentation.