Consensus meeting at the St Gallen Breast Cancer symposium; voting results
March 2011
Voting results for the following questions were as follows:
In association with breast conserving surgery, partial breast irradiation (intraoperative) is acceptable as definitive radiation, without any external beam therapy?
Yes= 48.9%, No=35.6%, Don’t know= 15.6%
In association with breast conserving surgery,
partial breast irradiation (intraoperative) is acceptable
instead of external beam boost to tumour bed?
Yes= 60.9%, No=17.4%, Don’t know= 21.7%
Should partial breast radiotherapy be applied
in selected patients (including intraoperative):
Elderly (>age 70)
Yes = 86.7%, No=6.7%, Don’t know=6.7%
Should partial breast radiotherapy be applied
in selected patients (including intraoperative):
Lymphoma survivors after mantle field RT?
Yes= 37.2%, No=25.6%, Don’t know=37.2%