After publication of the results of the TARGIT-A trial results, TARGIT IORT has been increasingly used around the world.
It is currently available in over 300 centres in all five continents.
In the summer of 2015, when 250 centres were offering TARGIT IORT, a survey was prepared, sent out and analysed with the help of Uma Vaidya and Lilly Bao to these centres.
The figure below gives the data from about half of these centres who had replied to the survey by October 2015.
By October 2015, 125 of the 250 centres had responded to our query ‘how many patients have you treated with TARGIT IORT?’.
The total number of patients treated in these 125 centres was 11740.
Thus it is reasonable to say that about 20,000 patients have been already treated around the world with this approach.
World map of countries where breast cancer centres offer TARGIT IORT with Intrabeam 2016